VGA Flight both A and B Results from today’s event.
Flight A top 3

Eric Bowers took first place in A flight with a net score of 70, tied with Rusty Silverman. Rusty secured second place following a scorecard playoff. Steve Laveirge claimed third with a net score of 71. Larry Burton, with a net score of 75, earned the Atta Boy award and will need to make more room on his mantle.
Flight B top 3

Steve Richter won at Southern Dunes with a net score of 69, which was also the best score of the round. Well done, Steve! VGA and Monday are proud of you. Bill “The Carver” Heller tied with Joe Galli at 70 net scores. Bill took 2nd place and Joe got 3rd in a scorecard playoff. George Kowalchik received an “Atta Boy” for his 71 net score.
VGA Big Dog point leaders for the 2024 season Click here.
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Next up for VGA, Wednesday, 11 September, 2024 Verrado-Victory (+) Shotgun 7:30 AM $69.00

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