Do not enter any more than four consecutive events in any 2-week period. Golf Genius only allows a two-week tee time window in advance. If you are bringing any Guests, canceling, or submitting feedback put it all in the feedback field. Call if you don’t get a confirmation email within 24 hours. Please fill out the form with all required entries below. Note: According to the VGA policy, a member is liable for any greens fees charged to the VGA for failing to participate in an event for which he has signed up to play. The amount must be paid before playing in a future event. Event coordinator’s contact info: Wednesday Events coordinators are Neal Fisel at (623) 363-6658, Paul Mickela at (602) 315-6610, and Jim Cox at (480) 221-7492. You must sign up no later than the Sunday prior to the event. Saturday Events coordinators are Fred Baldwin at (480) 282-3207 and Dan Christiansen at (602) 481-0811. You must sign up no later than the Wednesday prior to the event.